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某日,大豆的9月份期货合约价格为3500元/吨,当天现货市场上的同种大豆价格为3000元/吨。则下列说法中不正确的是( )。






style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/B. Success breeds imitators. Amazon is about to be attacked by a squadron of would-be Kindle killers being brought to market by some of the biggest names in consumer electronics and publishing. To complicate the increasingly competitive landscape even further, Apple and, according to rumor, Microsoft are working on tablet computers that could prove to be handy e-readers but with more functions and features, such as video display capability and full web browsers. "2009 is a breakout year fore-readers," says Sarah Rotman Epps, an analyst with Forrester Research."But we're still in the early stages."
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/C. The early stages have lasted a longtime. E-readers have been around for more than a decade, but the devices weren't popular due to high cost, proprietary (专利的) display formats and the reluctance of book publishers to sell digital versions of their best-selling titles. Now, just as digital music was driven into the mainstream by Apple's iPod and iTunes, Amazon's Kindle andonline bookstore, which sells more than 350,000 titles, are proving there's amass market for e-books. Total industry revenue from digital-book downloads has risen 149% this year, according to the Association of American Publishers,while e-reader sales are expected to reach 3 million by Dec.31, according to For rester Research. Almost a million of the devices could be sold during the upcoming holiday season alone. In 2010, sales are projected to double, to 6 million.That kind of growth is hard to come by in the recession-wracked technology industry, and a crowd is starting to gather. Around the world, at least 17 e-readers are in development or already on the market.
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/D. Among the better-known entrants is Asustek -- the Taiwanese company of China practically invented the netbook category with its ASUS Eee-PC, and it is working on a product called the Eee-reader that it hopes to have on the market in time for Christmas. South Korea's two powerhouse consumer-electronics companies, Samsung and LG Electronics, are wading in too. Samsung earlier this year introduced a reader called the Papyrus in South Korea; reports circulating in the technology blogosphere say LG is developing a prototype with a large,11.5- inch (diagonal) flexible screen. Meanwhile, Japan's Fujitsu has released the world's first dedicated e-reader with a colour  screen, although so far the device is only available in Japan.
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/E. It isn't just tech companies that are joining the fray. Bricks-and-mortar bookseller Barnes & Noble, which in the US offers access to 750,000 e-books on its website, is rumored to be pondering the development of its own e-reader to rival the Kindle. (The retailer already has a partnership to sell e-readers made by IREX, a spin-off of Holland's Royal Philips Electronics.)
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/Major newspaper and magazine publishers,which are suffering mightily from the loss of subscribers and advertisers to the recession and the Internet, are also getting involved. News Corp. chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch, owner of The Wall Street Journal, is reportedly considering a deal with Japanese consumer-electronics giant Sony, which in 2004 introduced the first commercially viable e-reader, to use a black-and-white display technology called electronic ink (also used by the Kindle. Sony is rolling out a new family of e-readers, including a pocket- size version and one with a large screen that's geared toward newspapers and magazines.
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/F. One reason e-readers are getting traction is that competition is driving down prices. Amazon has cut the price of the Kindle by $100 over the past six months, to $259. As e-readers proliferate(激增) and price disparities narrow, manufacturers are trying to differentiate their products by adding features such as MP3 players and touch screens. The eSlick by Foxit,based in Fremont, Calif., allows users to listen to songs while reading .Asustek recently unveiled a prototype e-reader with two screens, which would more closely duplicate the traditional reading experience, although the devicethat the company expects to release later this year will have a single screen.
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/G. At the same time, new display technologies are emerging that promise to improve battery life and make devices more portable and easier to read. UK-based Plastic Logic hopes to introduce nextyear the first e-reader with a plastic screen that will reduce glare and be less prone to cracking when dropped by ham-fisted owners. Electronic-ink technology is set to move from black and white to colour by the end of 2010.Even video is on the horizon. "We'll see a range of models start to appear over the first half of 2010 offering a range of different reading and productivity experiences," says Neil Jones, CEO of UK-based In teread, which in May launched
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/a $249 e-reader called the COOL-ER.
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/H. Newcomers will have a hard time breaking Amazon's chokehold in the US, where the company controls 60% of the e-reader market, according to Forrester Research. But the edge Amazon gained when it launchedthe Kindle could be blunted by evolving technology and changing consumer needs.Currently, more people read e-books on their smart phones than they do on dedicated devices like e-readers.
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/I. And there's the looming threat posed by next-generation tablet computers. Apple, the king of cool handheld devices, is rumored to be readying a tablet computer with all the functions of a laptop aswell as iPhone-like touch capabilities for release early next year. Microsoft has been secretive about its plans for a tablet, but a video making the rounds of the blogosphere shows a dual-LCD-screen prototype that closes like a book."E-readers are a transitional technology," says Rotman Epps of Forrester Research. It means that just as the e-reader is taking off, it may be becoming obsolete.

1.[选词填空]Now e-readers are easier to carry andread thanks to the emergence of new display technologies.

2.[选词填空]According to the passage, soon afterOct.6, users of Kindles can download e-books from Amazon wirelessly.

3.[选词填空]According to the author, to sell 6million e-readers in 2010 is unlikely.

4.[选词填空]The e-reader geared to News Corp. willuse the same display technology as the Kindle.

5.[选词填空]As technology develops and consumerneeds change, the advantage the Kindle gave Amazon could no longer exist.

6.[选词填空]The tablet computer which Microsoft is developingis said to be more powerful than e-readers.

7.[选词填空]Manufacturers are adding features suchas touch screens, to distinguish their e-readers from their rivals'.

8.[选词填空]We can learn from the passage thatAmazon released an electronic reader named Kindle in 2007.

9.[选词填空]One of the reasons e-readers were not popular in the past is that publishers were unwilling to sell digital versions of their best-sellers.

10.[选词填空]Eee-reader is developed by aTaiwan-based company.


A. Does the language we speak determine how healthy and rich we will be? New research by Keith Chen of Yale Business School suggests so. The structure of languages affects our judgments and decisions about the future and this might have dramatic long-term consequences. 
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/C. Resisting our impulses for immediate pleasure is often the only way to attain the outcomes that are important to us. We want to keep a slim figure but we also want that last slice of pizza. We want a comfortable retirement, but we also want to drive that dazzling car, go on that dream vacation, or get those gorgeous shoes.Some people are better at delaying gratification (满足. than others. Those people have a better chance of accumulating wealth and keeping a healthy life style. They are less likely to be impulse buyers or smokers, or to engage in unsafe sex. 
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/D. Chen's recent findings suggest that an unlikely factor, language, strongly affects our future-oriented behavior. Some languages strongly distinguish the present and the future. Other languages only weakly distinguish the present and the future. Chen's recent research suggests that people who speak languages that weakly distinguish the present and the future are better prepared for the future. They accumulate more wealth and they are better able to maintain their health. The way these people conceptualize the future is similar to the way they conceptualize the present. As a result, the future does not feel very distant and it is easier for them to act in accordance with their future interests. 
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/E.  Different languages have different ways of talking about the future. Some languages, such as English, Korean,and Russian, require their speakers to refer to the future explicitly ( 明确的.. Every time English-speakers talk about the future, they have to use future markers such as "will" or "going to." In other languages, such as Mandarin, Japanese, and German, future markers are not obligatory (强制性的.. The future is often talked about similar to the way present is talked about and the meaning is understood from the context. A Mandarin speaker who is going to go to a seminar might say "Wo qu ting jiangzuo," which translates to "I go listen seminar." Languages such as English constantly remind their speakers that future events are distant. For speakers of languages such as Mandarin future feels closer. As a consequence, resisting immediate impulses and investing for the future is easier for Mandarin speakers. 
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/F.  Chert analyzed individual-level data from 76 developed and developing countries. This data includes people's economic decisions, such as whether they saved any money last year, the languages they speak at home,demographics (人口统计资料., and cultural factors such as "saving is an important cultural value for me."He also analyzed individual-level data on people's retirement assets, smoking and exercising habits, and general health in older age. Lastly, he analyzed national-level data that includes national savings rates, country GDP and GDP growth rates, country demographics, and proportions of people speaking different languages. 
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/G. People's savings rates are affected by various factors such as their income, education level, age, religious connection, their countries' legal systems, and their cultural values. After those factors were accounted for, the effect of language on people’s savings rates turned out to be big.Speaking a language that has obligatory future markers,such as English,makes people 30 percent less likely to save money for the future.This effect is as large as the effect of unemployment.Being unemployed decreases the likelihood of saving by about 30 percent as well. 
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/H.Similar analyses showed that speaking a language that does not have obligatory future markers,such as Mandarin,makes people accumulate more retirement assets,smoke less,exercise more,and generally be healthier in older age.Countries’ national savings rates are also affected by language.Having a larger proportion of people speaking languages mat does not have obligatory future markers makes national savings rates higher. 
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/I.  At a more practical level,researchers have been looking for ways to help people act in accordance with their long-term interests.Recent findings suggest that making the future feel closer to the present might improve future-oriented behavior.For instance,researchers recently presented people with renderings of their future selves made using age-progression algorithms(算法.that forecast how physical appearances would changeover time.One group of participants saw a digital representation of their current selves in a virtual mirror,and the other group saw an age-morphed version of their future selves.Those participants who saw the age-morphed version of their future selves allocated more money toward a hypothetical savings account.The intervention brought people’s future to the present and as a result they saved more for the future。 
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/J.Chen’s research shows that language structures our future-related thoughts.Language has been used before to alter time perception with surprising effects.Ellen Langer and colleagues famously improved older people’s physical health by simple interventions including asking them to talk about the events of twenty years ago as if it they were happening now..Talking about the past as if it were the present changed people’s mindsets and their mindsets affected their physical states.Chen’s research points at the possibility that the way we talk about the future can shape our mindsets.Language can move the future back and forth in our mental space and this might have dramatic influences on our judgments and decisions. 

1.[选词填空]Recent findings show that it is possible to improve future—oriented behavior through making the future feel closer to the present.

2.[选词填空]Chen made an analysis of individual—level statistics from 76 developed and developing nations.

3.[选词填空]Usually,preventing ourselves from enjoying immediate pleasure impulsively is the only way to achieve the outcomes that are important to us.

4.[选词填空]Through simple interventions,Ellen Langer and colleagues made the physical health of the older people changed for the better.

5.[选词填空]According to the well—known marshmallow studies,people who can resist temptation tend to be successful in the future.

6.[选词填空]In Chen’s recent research.people who speak languages in which the present and the future are weakly distinguished are more prepared for the future.

7.[选词填空]Speaking a language that has obligatory future markers and being unemployed nearly share the same percentage of decreasing the likelihood of saving.

8.[选词填空]National savings rates of countries are influenced by language as well.

9.[选词填空]The structure of languages influences us when we are making a judgment or decision about the future.

10.[选词填空]People who speak languages like English are more likely to feel that the future events are distant.


在我国,某交易者在4月28日卖出10手7月份白糖期货合约同时买入10手9月份白糖期货合约,价格分别为5350元/吨和5400元/吨。5月5日该交易者对上述合约全部对冲平仓7月和9月合约平仓价格分别为5380元/吨和5480元/吨。该套利交易( )元。(白糖期货交易单位为10吨/手,不计手续费等费用)






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A. Robots have been the stuff of science fiction for so long that it is surprisingly hard to see them as the stuff of management fact. A Czech playw, Karel Capek, gave them their name in 1920 (from the Slavonic word for "work".. An American writer, Isaac Asimov, confronted them with their most memorable dilemmas. Hollywood turned them into superheroes and super villains. When some film critics drew up lists of Hollywood's 50 greatest good guys and 50 greatest baddies, the only character to appear on both lists was a robot, the Terminator. 
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/C. America's armed forces have blazed a trail here. They now have no fewer than 12,000 robots serving in their ranks. Peter Singer, of the Brookings Institution, a think-tank ( 智囊团., says mankind' s 5,000-year monopoly on the fighting of war is breaking down. Recent additions to the battlefield include tiny "insects" that perform reconnaissance (侦查 . missions and giant "dogs" to terrify enemies. The Pentagon is also working on the EATR, a robot that fuels itself by eating whatever biomass ( 生物量 . it finds around it. 
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/D. But the civilian world cannot be far behind. Who better to clean sewers or suck up nuclear waste than these remarkable machines? The Japanese have made surprisingly little use of robots to clear up after the recent earthquake, given their world leadership in this area. They say that they had the wrong sort of robots in the wrong places. But they have issued a global call for robotic assistance and are likely to put more robots to work shortly. 
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/E. As robots advance into the service industries they are starting to look less like machines and more like living creatures. The Paro (made by/LIST, a Japanese research agency. is shaped like a baby seal and responds to attention. Honda's robot, ASIMO, is humanoid and can walk, talk and respond to commands. 
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/F. Until now executives have largely ignored robots, regarding them as an engineering rather than a management problem. This cannot go on: robots are becoming too powerful and ubiquitous (无处不在的.. Companies may need to rethink their strategies as they gain access to these new sorts of workers. Do they really need to outsource production to China, for example, when they have clever machines that work ceaselessly without pay? They certainly need to rethink their human-resources policies--starting by questioning whether they should have departments devoted to purely human resources. 
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/G. The first issue is how to manage the robots themselves. Asimov laid down the basic rule in 1942: no robot should harm a human. This rule has been reinforced by recent technological improvements: robots are now much more sensitive to their surroundings and can be instructed to avoid hitting people. But the Pentagon's plans make all this a bit more complicated: many of its robots will be, in essence, killing machines. 
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/H. A second question is how to manage the homo side of homo-robo relations. Workers have always worded that new technologies will take away their livelihoods, ever since the original Luddites' fears about mechanised looms. That worry takes on a particularly intense form when the machines come with a human face: Capek's play that gave robots their name depicted a world in which they initially brought lots of benefits but eventually led to mass unemployment and discontent. Now, the arrival of increasingly humanoid automatons in workplaces, in an era of high unemployment, is bound to provoke a reaction. 
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/I. So, companies will need to work hard to persuade workers that robots are productivity-enhancers, not just job-eating aliens. They need to show employees that the robot sitting alongside them can be more of a helpmate than a threat. Audi has been particularly successful in introducing industrial robots because the car maker asked workers to identify areas where robots could improve performance and then gave those workers jobs overseeing the robots. Employers also need to explain that robots can help preserve manufacturing jobs in the rich world: one reason why Germany has lost fewer such jobs than Britain is that it has five times as many robots for every 10,000 workers. 
style=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);/J. These two principles---don't let robots hurt or fen people--are relatively simple. Robot scientists are tackling more complicated problems as robots become more sophisticated. They are keen to avoid hierarchies (层级. among rescue-robots (because the loss of the leader would render the rest redundant.. So they are using game theory to make sure the robots can communicate with each other in egalitarian (平等. ways. They are keen to avoid duplication between robots and their human handlers. So they are producing more complicated mathematical formulae in order that robots can constantly adjust themselves to human intentions. This suggests that the world could be on the verge of a great management revolution: making robots behave like humans rather than the 20th century's preferred option, making humans behave like robots. 

1.[选词填空]Robots appear more like living creatures as they enter into the service industry.

2.[选词填空]According to the Pentagon's plans, many of its robots will essentially become killing machines.

3.[选词填空]The fact that more and more human-like robots are used in workplaces will surely arouse reaction in a time of high unemployment.

4.[选词填空]Tomorrow's robots will be free to move around rather than being locked up in cages so as not to hurt people.

5.[选词填空]Companies should show their workers that robots can be more of a helper rather than a threat to them.

6.[选词填空]The example that Germany has lost fewer manufacturing jobs than Britain shows that robots can help preserve manufacturing jobs in the rich world.

7.[选词填空]Scientists are trying to enable robots to constantly adjust themselves to people's intentions.

8.[选词填空]It is not easy for people to regard robots as management stuff, for the later are mostly seen in science fictions.

9.[选词填空]Robots, who are considered as an engineering instead of a management problem, have been largely neglected by executives.

10.[选词填空]The Japanese didn't use a lot of robots to clear up after the recent earthquake, considering their word leadership in the robot field.

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